Monday 20 August 2012

Dhammayazika Pagoda


Dhammayazika Pagoda

Type of monument : Type II Temple (Zedi)
Location : West of West Pwasaw Village
Region : West Pwasaw
Built by : King Narapatisithu
Date : A.D 1196
Monument Number : 947
Photo Gallery : View 20 Photos
The name of the pagoda, Dhammayazika or Dhammarajika in Pali means "Pertaining the King of Law. The structure of Dhammayazika Pagoda has pentagonal terraces instead of the usual Bagan pagodas, the square base.

There are three receding terraces, ornamented with glazed Jataka plaques. On each side of the pagoda, there is a small temple housing an image of Buddha.

Detail view:

The usual practice in most temples was to have four images facing the cardinal points, representing the four Buddhas of the present world cycle who have already attained Enlightenment.

Exterior view:


But in this pagoda the fifth temple is placed with the future becoming Buddha. All the five names of the Buddha are Kakusandha, Konagamana, Kassapa, Gotama and Metteyya.

The inscription records say tht in 1197 King Narapatisithu received four holy relics from the King of Sri Lanka and that he built the pagoda in 1198 to enshrine the relics.


interior view




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