Monday 20 August 2012

Gubyaukgyi Temple (Wetkyi-in)


Gubyaukgyi Temple (Wetkyi-in)

Type of monument : Type III Temple (Mixture of Indian style Gu)
Location : Southeast of Wetkyi-In Village
Region : Nyaung U & Wetkyi-In
Built by : King Kyansitthar
Date : Early 13th Century
Monument Number : 298
Close to Wetkyi-in village, this 13th-century 'cave temple' has an Indian-style spire like the Mahabodhi Pagoda in Bagan. It is interesting for the fine frescoes of scenes from the jatakas.

There is another temple of the same name in Myinkaba, and to distinguish between theses two, this monument is sometimes called 'Wetkyi-in Gubyaukgyi'.

Layout Plan


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